T-shirt/ Patch Keeper Pricing.

T-Shirt quilts cost 19 $ per T-shirt.  This is for all types of T-shirt quilt styles.

Patch Keeper quilts Cost 15 $ per patch used on the quilt. Baseball cap fronts are used like a patch.

Specialties to add:

Special Fabrics: Minky, Flannel, Satin; 22 $ per yard. Denim can also be added for 25 $ per yard

Embroidered words: 10 Cents a letter

Flags or Jerseys: 50 $ per Flag, 30 $ per Jersey

Baby Clothes: 6 $ per Onsie

Pictures can be added for 6 $ per every 4 x 6 print.

* We reserve the right to deny any items that we feel could damage our equipment.

* Quilts could take up to 6 weeks to complete, Rush order quilts will take at least 3 weeks.

Memory Quilts

Memory Quilts start at 50 $ plus the (length times the width) times .0375 cents.  

Fabric needed to complete the quilt is not included in the above charges. 

15 $ per yard if we supply the fabric to complete the quilt. Specialty fabrics will increase this cost.

Additional items that can be included in a quilt are T-shirts, Pictures, Embroidery, Patches, Specialty Fabrics. Additional costs may be applied. 

* We reserve the right to deny any items that might cause damage to our machines.

*Quilts could take up to 6 weeks to complete, Rush Order quilts will take at least 3 weeks.

Other Items

One Pocket Purse starts at 40 dollars. 

Two Pocket purse Starts at 50 Dollars.

Embellishments increases cost of purses.

Stuffed animals are 50 dollars

Pillows Cases are 30 dollars

Pillows start at 45 Dollars ( price changes depending on size)

All other projects will be determined when we know what the project is. We will explain all charges at that time.

We have two options for long arm quilting.

Edge to Edge

Edge to Edge quilting will cost a 2.0 cents per square inch for basic patterns.  

More Intricate Edge to Edge patterns can cost between 2.5 - 3.5 cents per square inch. 

Custom Quilting

Long-Arm Quilting


Custom quilting will cost 4.5 cents per square inch.

Thread tie offs is an extra cost of 45 dollars.   

Patterns may not be changed after initial choice.

Basic thread and needle charge is 8 dollars.

We currently have in stock a wide variety Superior thread. We can special order Superior thread at a base cost of 20 dollars.

We accept Cash, Zelle, checks and money orders. This change has been made due to Fee increases by PayPal and the credit card companies. We do not wish to pass this cost on to the customer.

A deposit of 50% of the total project is required for the project to be started.

Thank you.

*Rush orders cost an additional 150 dollars.